The Coins represent the element of earth. They are also called Pentacles. Typically they talk about financial and business aspects. They are the worker and doer cards. The cycle is from the enthusiasm or a business venture to the hard work and toile (or lack of) required to make the business a success.
Upright: New financial opportunities. Prosperity. The start of a new business venture
Reversed A missed opportunity. Poor planning. Delays in the start of a project
Upright: A change in plans. Multitasking and being able to prioritize what is important. Options and choosing which path to take
Reversed:: Over-committing and being unable to deliver. Not being able to make a choice. Poor planning
Upright: Learning the skills required to get ahead. Team work and collaboration. Dedicating oneself to the task at hand.
Reversed: Unable to work as a team. Disappointed in the outcome. No being able to commit to a plan of action
Upright: Power (holding on to) Saving for a purchase. Greed. Being conservative with funds.
Reversed: Letting go. Making unplanned large purchases. Careless spending. Not saving for a rainy day
Upright: Adversity. A time of struggle. Temporary financial troubles. A lack mindset
Reversed: Improvement in your financial situation. Recovery. Paying off debts and overcoming adversity
Upright: Money, generosity and a time of prosperity. Financial Rewards. Equality and recognition for hard work
Reversed: Lack of generosity. Lack or improper use of investment.. Poor money decisions
Upright: A time for assessment and pause. Reaping the harvest of your hard work. Finishing a project
Reversed: Aimlessness, Success is less than expected. Bad decisions and management leading to less than stellar results
Upright: A new job or self employment. Reaching a level of mastery. Productivity and results
. Reversed: A lack of commitment and/or quality. Minimal or poor execution on the job. Overwhelmed with the task
Upright: Gain. Luxury and financial independence. Return on investment. Refining your business model.
Reverse: Con or deceit. An over-indulgence. A lack of finesse and style. Not financially stable.
Upright: Wealth. Unexpected windfall from a win or inheritance. Long term success and the stability and pleasure it brings
Reversed: Bankruptcy, business venture falling apart or closing. Problems with inheritance or expected monies
Upright: The Hunter and provider. The successful businessman. Grounded and practical. Dependable
Reversed: Obsessed with the illusion of wealth and success. Not financially savvy. Cold and uncaring
Upright: Mother Earth. Fertile ground for ventures. Feet firmly planted in the now. Home and Hearth
Reversed: Overly ambitious without laying down the ground work first. Chaotic and disorganized.
Upright: The Student, refining skills. Someone still finding their career path. A thirst for knowledge to build their success
Reversed: Lack of direction. Ambition scattered. Unwilling to take advice or learn from mistakes
Upright: Spring and the seeds of a new venture. Earth Magic. A nurturing person
Reversed: Not grounded. Lack of direction and/or missed opportunities.