0 The Fool
Upright: Going forward on blind faith. A sense of adventure. The unknown.
Reversed: Reckless behaviour. Lack of faith. No movement.
I The Magician
Upright: Inspired Action. Alchemy and creation. Creating magic in the everyday. Manifesting ideas.
Reversed: Manipulation, trickery. Missed Potential
II High Priestess
Upright: Intuition, Magic and Mysticism. The subconscious mind.
Reversed: Secrets, disconnect from personal intuition.
III The Empress
Upright: Feminine Abundance. Nature and nurturing.
Reverse: Inability to create. Dependancy.
IV The Emperor
Upright: Masculine Abundance. Structure and the establishment
Reverse: Rigidity and excessive need to control. Lack of discipline
V Hierophant
Upright: The teacher. Secular knowledge. Traditions and rituals
Reversed: Challenging the known. Break from the traditional.
VI The Lovers
Upright: Romance, love. Values aligning. Loving relationships. Joining of kindred spirits.
Reversed: Imbalance, distrust. A lack of connection. Disruption of unions.
VII The Chariot
Upright: Movement, Travel and action. Things on the right path for success. Perseverance.
Reversed: Stuck in a rut. Lack of direction and discipline. Time to stop and evaluate the road ahead.
VIII Strength
Upright: Strength of character. Compassion and empathy. Courage and persuasion.
Reversed: Self-doubt, a lack of self compassion. Low energy and esteem.
IX The Hermit
Upright: Inner guidance. Following your own path. Truth and light seeker. Solitude.
Reversed: Loneliness. Self isolation. Inability to see the forest through the tress.
X Wheel of Fortune
Upright: A turning point usually for the best. Karma and decisive moments. Cycles of life and destiny.
Reversed: A turning point not always welcome. Karma. Unwelcome change. Delays in results.
XI Justice
Upright: Cause and effect and cosmic balance. Legal disputes. Life lessons.
Reversed: Cause and effect. Injustice, dishonesty and a lack of accountability.
XII The Hangman
Upright: Feeling confined and controlled. There is a need for surrender and to let go to be able to see a new perspective. Caught in own limiting beliefs.
Reversed: Stagnation, losing interest in something that is important to you. Apathy and discontent
XIII Death
Upright: Transformation. Endings, major life changes leading to the end of one cycle and the beginning of another. Like the phoenix; rebirth from the ashes.
Reversed: Resistant to change causing stagnation and the repetition of patterns. Unable or unwilling to accept the end of a cycle and the start of a new one.
XIV Temperance
Upright: Patience and purpose. The careful and balanced pursuit of a goal. Moderation.
Reversed: An imbalance and lack of perspective. Over indulgence and extremes.
XV The Devil
Upright: Temptation and Addictions. Believing the illusion. Powerlessness. A lack of hope and feeling bonded to a situation and/or person
Reversed: Reclaiming personal power. Facing a situation and seeing the truth through the veil of lies both from the outside and the ones we tell ourselves.
XVI The Tower
Upright: An unexpected upheaval. Chaos and abrupt change in situation. Disaster and loss which can lead to an awakening.
Reversed: Resisting change. Avoiding for the time being loss and chaos through personal transformation and change.
XVII The Star
Upright: Faith in your goals and the passion to pursue them. Inspiration, hopefulness and spirituality
Reversed: A lack of faith in oneself and/or goals. Creative block. A disconnect to inspiration and personal spirtuality.
XVIII The Moon
Upright: Illusions and a sense of vagueness. Cycles and intuition. Fear and/or anxiety
Reversed: Secrets and truth revealed. Facing fears and shining light on them.
XIX The Sun
Upright: Sunshine and rainbows. Luck, joy self expression and vitality. Basking in the glow of success. Optimism.
Reversed: A loss of enthusiasm. Unrealistic expectations in a situation/person. Self-doubt, pessimism and sadness
XX Judgement
Upright: Absolution and forgiveness reached. Answering to your inner calling and truth. Judgement and rebirth
Reversed: Ignoring personal truths. Following a path that is not yours to walk. Inability to forgive. Self blame and blaming others unfairly.
XXI The World
Upright: A cycle completed. A sense of fulfilment, harmony and contentment. Travel and exploration
Reversed: Stagnation and a project/issue uncompleted. Hiccups or delays in travel. A lack of success a burden to heavy to carry.